About the Levy

Parkrose School District has one of the most diverse, highest need student populations in the state of Oregon. Many of these students have been disproportionately impacted in recent years by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Teachers, educational assistants, and staff are the backbone of our schools and we are faced with the potential of losing nearly 12% of our current staff due to budget cuts in the coming years.

The Parkrose School District currently estimates a $3.2 million dollar budget shortfall for the 2023-24 school year, leaving the District unable to maintain current services and programs. A $3.2 million dollar budget reduction is equivalent to eliminating 26 teaching positions or 18 school days.

In efforts to mitigate the effects of this shortfall, the Parkrose School District has placed a proposed levy on the November 2022 ballot. The levy would raise $2 million and if passed, would retain approximately 22 educational positions (60% teachers, 40% classroom instructional assistants)

The measure would raise approximately $2 million at a rate estimated not to exceed $1.00 dollar per $1,000 of taxable assessed value within the District for five years, beginning July 1, 2023.

What would the Parkrose Teachers Levy do specifically if passed?

The Levy, if passed, would focus staff specifically on:

Keeping class sizes low at the K-2 level

Specialists to provide career oriented electives at middle and high school level

One educational assistant in every kindergarten in District

Meeting state mandates requiring that every elementary student have access to physical education
